Cereverse is the entity spawned from the brain of a creative soul trapped somewhere between the creative, IT and service industries.
The first thing any art instructor teaches you, is that as an artist you need to break down your ego. Without understanding of the artist ego, it is impossible to transcend what it means to make and what it is to create. Cereverse was birthed from this specifically. With a past as rough as any trite artist would have, Cole Northway sought to create something bigger than himself, bigger than this ego.
Breaking his work down in to logical, maniacal and technical he can approach any interpretation, approach or creation with an open mind. Whether it be a photo stretched across the wall of a prominent company, event photography, or his own personal art, Cereverse seeks to embody it all. Cereverse is a universe or multiverse, where anyone can feel free to think, to create and evolve as an artist.
The reason it works
The necessary chaos
The precision that occurs
Logicole is the only one really worth talking to although admittedly he's not always the one running the show. He handles most interpersonal interactions as the other two contributing members have consistently proven to be more than embarrassments when it comes to that.
Maniacole literally contributes bare minimum, which is usually for the best, but he is the chaos that somehow manages to drive everything. They are also completely vain which is why they are in charge of the sub-par instagram page which is ironically @maniacole...
Technicole is just here to be precise and do a good job. He is also the one that realizes the math on these percentages of contribution don't add up, but he wants to make sure Logicole feels some love so he keeps it to himself.